432 Kistler Road

Elliottsburg, PA 17024

Give us a call


Request an Estimate

Please use the following form to request an estimate. If you would like to send a general inquiry and not request an estimate please use our contact us form.

Contact Us

When your vehicle needs professional attention, Triple E Repair is here to help.

Please use the following form to request an estimate. When requesting an estimate please be as accurate as possible with all details. This will help us provide you will a more detailed and accurate estimate. Estimates are provided to be a ballpark idea of the parts and labor costs of a job. All estimate requests will be responded to within 24 hours.

Please note that the information you provide will only be used to generate estimates and contact you in regard to those estimates. Your private information will not be sold or distributed to any third parties. You will not be subscribed to any email lists.

Please fill out your vehicle/equipment details as best as you can. If you do not know a certain detail (ie. serial number, model year, engine size) please type "unknown" or "N/A" or give further details.

Preferred Contact Method:

Triple E Repair



Open 7 days a week

7am - 8pm

By Appointment Only

Find Us

432 Kistler Road

Elliottsburg, PA 17024

Sorry for the Inconvenience...

Due to current demand, we are not currently accepting new customers. We have an ongoing waiting list for new customers who are comfortable with waiting until availability is present. The waiting time could be 1-3 years, with a possibility of something longer. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please contact us.